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Configure Slack Workspace Preferences

Preferences define when you are notified and how your data is displayed in Slack. Each user sets their preferences. Having the right preferences can make or break your experience. ClassCred recommends the following preferences for a classroom setting.

Watch how to change preferences to ClassCred's recommendations

Read more about the 3 Preference Settings that we recommend changing

1. Notifications

Unless you want to be notified continuously (i.e., every time something happens in Slack), it is best to set notifications to Direct messages, mentions & keywords. Under this setting, you will only be notified if a student direct messages you or mentions you directly (i.e., @you) in a conversation. With this setting, you are always notified when students need you but are not forced to follow every conversation. You can also choose how you want to be notified (i.e., sound and appearance). It is best to read the notifications section carefully.

2. Sidebar

The second critical preference is the Sidebar. Setting this up correctly will ensure that you can easily access all messages directed to you. The most important boxes to check are:

  • All DMs – all direct messages

  • @ Mentions & reactions – posts where you have been referenced or one of your posts received a reaction

  • Saved itemsOften you will see a post in a channel that you want to reply to but don’t have time. If you hover the mouse over the upper right corner of the post, you will see an option to save. If you check this option, all saved posts will be available in your Sidebar. This is very useful as it is easy for posts to get buried in Slack.

  • File browser – If this is checked, you will have access to all files that have been posted in your sidebar.

  • People & User Groups – See all students in your workspace

  • Apps – Add Apps, like ClassCred, to your workspace

3. Advanced

There is one feature under advanced that is very useful. When writing a message, press Enter to start a new line. If this is not selected, the message will send every time you press enter.

🦉 Tip: It is important to also provide guidance on preference settings to your students. If their workspace is not set up correctly, they are likely to miss important information, get overwhelmed, and may have a poor experience.

That's it. Your preference settings are ready!

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