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Share with your Colleagues

Debates, Polls, and Assignments are great ways to engage students with current topics. But it can be challenging to come up with current topics all the time. ClassCred lets you share the workload with your colleagues. It is easy to share Polls, Debates, Assignments, and Announcements right from your timeline. In this post we will discuss:

How To share

Click on the three dots in the top right of any post in your timeline and select Share.

Enter the email of your colleague and click Share. The person you are sharing with must be a ClassCred admin.

Accessing shared items

When a colleague shares with you, ClassCred considers that colleague one of your connections. You will receive a notification next to the Connections button when a new item is shared with you.

You can access the shared content by clicking Connections and then Shared content. Select Import to add the item to your course.

What will be shared

Only the content of a debate, poll, assignment, or announcement is shared. For example, if you share a debate only the title, topic, and settings are shared. No student information is ever shared.


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