Slack is a collaboration platform for your class. It is a place where all course communication can take place. You can have public collaborations with your class and/or private conversations with your students. Curious about how Slack can help your course? Read more here.
How to set up Slack?
Step 1: Download Slack to your Computer and mobile device
Slack for Windows:
Slack for macOS:
Slack for Linux:
Slack for iOS:
Slack for Android:
Step 2: Set up a new workspace
Once you’ve installed the Slack app, you must create a workspace. You can think of a workspace as your online classroom. You should have one workspace per class. Once in Slack, you can sign in to a workspace you are already a member of, join a workspace, or create your own new workspace.
What does Slack look like?
The Slack platform consists of three vertical panels (see image below):
Workspaces – shows all the workspaces (or courses) that have been added to your Slack app
Sidebar – organizes all channels and direct messages. This is organized into multiple sections:
Alerts – Alert you of any new channel post, direct message, or reaction. Alerts can be configured in preferences.
Channels – All public channels and all private channels that you have been invited to
Direct Messages – All direct conversations with other workspace members
Apps - Where you will find apps like ClassCred
Conversations – The conversations in a particular channel; similar to any discussion board. You add Threads to any post. A thread allows conversation around a particular post and this conversation (when selected) is displayed separately on a right sidebar. To keep the channel organized, it is best practice to use threads whenever possible. You will have to teach your students to use threads or your channels will become very cluttered.

🦉Tip: When setting up your Slack workspace, it will look slightly different than the workspace above as some of these features or preferences have to be enabled. See Setting Slack Preferences for more information.
Next Step: Add ClassCred